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Josh in Stuttgart

My name is Josh Kennedy and I’m the kind of guy who likes to order a car and collect it from the factory…

I took my first factory tour at the BMW Plant in Munich back in 1990 and was fascinated both at the process as well as the fact that I could stand a few feet away from the whole process as it happened in real time!  To me, visiting a car factory is a little like a trip to Disneyland when I was a child as it holds that awesome combination of excitement and joy. 

Since those early days, I have since toured almost every German car factory as well as a half-dozen in the UK.  I have taken European Delivery of 5 cars and made special visits to see others that I ordered during their production on the factory line (lots of planning, but well worth it!).

My articles on buying cars and European Delivery come from first-hand experience. I am a sucker for a VIP factory tour and have been known to time trips to coincide with the Oktoberfest or the Christmas markets in Germany, and learned that with a little planning, the trip of a lifetime can happen more than once. 

I just completed my 35th year working in the software development field as an interface designer and consultant, have been spending up to a third of each year in Europe and have a great deal of experience and insights on adventures, shopping, and 2nd homing in a faraway place.

ROVR.com is a work in progress and I look forward to your comments and suggestions about what you’d like to see (or see more of) and will always enjoy hearing when you got a valuable nugget or two from my articles.  Cheers!

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